
That’s the sound of a busy little worker bee and her assistant working to put the finishing touches on so many finished projects!

The hubs was out of town for a few days which usually translates into project time to me! I was able to get everything that I wanted to get done this weekend finished. I still have to work a miracle finish editing the pictures to share with you all but I’m really excited to FINALLY be able to share the ENTIRE kitchen with you all including some before and after shots from where it all started.  It will probably take me the next two weeks to share it all.  You might have kitchen overload by the time it’s all done so I’ll apologize in advance! Here is a mini sneak peak at what’s to come!

Happy Weekend

Happy Friday!  I hope everyone has a relaxing weekend!

I’ve been a busy bee this week and hopefully, it will continue into the weekend. I’ve got a long to-do list I’m trying to get knocked out in preparation for this fall and {eek!} should I even say Christmas?

My plan for the following few weeks is to share with you what I’ve been up to this week as well as {finally} share our kitchen renovation! That is, once I go through all the pictures of the process!

See you next week,


Cool Find

This past Sunday we discovered a this Caterpillar.  I happened to look down into the grass when I about stepped on him!  I’ve never seen a caterpillar that big before! After some research when we got home; our friend discovered he is actually a Silkmoth Caterpillar.  This time of year is when they start to make their cucoon and are in that until next spring! There life span is only 5 days after they come out of their cocoon.  The silkmoth is the largest moth in Northern America.  I actually took this picture of this silkmoth in June, and only made the connection now.

Never thought you’d get a nature lesson here did ya?

Yeah, me neither!

Housekeeping {The Shop Giveaway}

I think there may have been some confusion on how to enter the shop giveaway. Please leave a comment in the comment section of this post for your chance to win a $20 gift certificate to my Etsy Shop.  You can also take advantage of 10% everything right now by using the coupon code “hartsdesire10” during your checkout.  This is the perfect chance to jump start your holiday shopping! I will choose the winner August 26 so hurry!

The Goods

I know you guys are just DYING to know what I got at the yard crawl over the weekend

{enter sarcasm here}.

Well here ya go!

Here’s the breakdown~

  • 4 Fall skirts {1 didn’t work}
  • 2 pairs of jeans {neither fit, but for 50 cents a piece it was worth the chance}
  • Limited Sweater
  • A mustard yellow sweater set that is 2 sizes too big but it will be perfect for a refashion I’ve been wanting to do for a while
  • A vintage shirt
  • A pair of river shoes
  • A pair of Frye Boots! {although they are not my size I picked them up anyway.  I’m planning on putting them up on Ebay for the new camera lens fund. If you wear a size 5 1/2 shoot me an email and we can work out a deal!}
  • A new jar for dog treats
  • A rustic frame for the collage wall in the dinning room I’m working on
  • A box of Sesame Street books for the little guy
  • A bag full of boys clothes
  • A new pack of pull-ups
  • A new set of cloth napkins
  • A fishing lure holder for the hubs
  • A wooden crate {I’ve been trying to collect these for a while for a furniture project I want to do but they are hard to come by at a good price anymore}

I think the favorite thing I picked up Saturday was this wooden wire spool

Now before you leave me comments about paying for something you can find on the side of the road here me out.  Most spools I come across are made from flimsy plywood and are pretty tall.  This one is short and squaty and is made from thick boards.  So I didn’t mind paying for it.  I’ve been on the lookout for something to use as a coffee table to replace my hand-me-down Queen Ann style table that I’ve redone a dozen times.  I’ve wanted something a little more industrial; something like this


or this


And then last week I saw this

Lauren originally from here

I loved that they added the dowels to hold the books. I thought it would be perfect in a playroom.  It must have been on my mind and I was able to zero in on my find.  I love the patina of my spool.  I think I’ll just sand it lightly to get rid of any rough spots and just seal in the goodness and attach over sized casters to the bottom.

Just look at all the character this piece has. I love the rust and the stamps.

I love the exposed staples, scratches, and dents.

I also love the weathered look of the crate

So, wanna know what I passed up on?  I think I could actually kick myself for every. single. one of these.

  • A vintage saucer for sleigh riding. It had this cool scene painted on it with leather handles. I thought it would’ve been great as a wall hanging during the winter months. I was supposed to go back to the table before we left the area to see if it was still available and would you believe I just forgot!
  • A pair of Pier 1 bar stools.  They were rustic with large nail heads on the backs. I knew the hubs would’ve loved them and the price was right but I decided not to get them since we had just stopped. Instead I told the woman selling them that if they were still there when I cam back then it was meant to be and I would buy them.  Well of course, they weren’t there when I went back.  I was a little aggravated with myself for not just buying them, but then once I got home and really looked at the island and the surroundings I knew I made the right decision.  They just weren’t what I wanted.  Plus, I already bought 2 a few weeks ago and am in the process of redoing those.  I should have them done this weekend to debut next week:)
  • One person was selling an old butcher block counter top.  It was just propped up against the wall with no price tag.  Everything else had a price tag on it so I just thought it would’ve been over my price range anyway so I didn’t even bother asking.  Amateur mistake #1.   Always ask for a price.  Are you listening people? Take notes.  It would’ve made an unbelievably awesome dining room table or industrial style desk with metal legs. Not that I need either. But I felt the need to rescue this beautiful piece of art and give it a chance at a new, better life.
  • That same guy was also selling a small french style end table for $5. I thought about buying it to give it a new life for someone else but then I thought about the long to-do list I already have going on and decided to walk away.  It was only later when I realized it would’ve made a perfect end table for the guest bedroom.  The tray table in there now is too big for the space.  I hate it when that happens!

So. What about you?  Did anyone else enjoy the crawl? Get any good deals?

PS- if you would like to be entered in the giveaway for the Etsy Shop; please leave your comment on this post so your comment will count!  Thank you!

Change of plans…


My plan last night after the regular evening routine was to finish taking pictures of my yard crawl finds to share with you today. But sometimes your plans change. Sometimes for the worse, but other times for the better. Last night was one of those nights.

While I was getting my 30 day shred on, my guys decided to walk up to the field behind our house. I was 5 min away from finishing when they burst into the house telling me of the bear they saw. So I grabbed my camera and we got in the car to try to find the bear again.

We didn’t see the bear again but we did manage to see lots of dear, turkey, and rabbits. By the time we got home, the light was starting to fade so I didn’t get my pictures. So I thought I’d share a few pictures from last night instead.

It was a good day…









Tomorrow I’ll share my goodies from the yard crawl. Promise.

Have a great day!


Adventures in Yard Saleing {Yard Crawl Edition Pt. 1}

All in all it was a fun day at this years crawl.  I managed to bring home some treasures to add to the never ending to-do list:)

We started the day at 6:15 and got home around 2pm.  Unfortunately, a huge storm that involved sideways rain and hail forced us to come home before we were ready but we took it in stride.

My plan was to take lots of pictures during the day to share with you all but I think all the excitement of the day must have gotten to me because I only snapped a handful.  I saw some really cool stuff that day and I can’t believe I didn’t capture it.

Tomorrow I’ll share what I bought, I still have to take a few pictures, some of the bigger items got wet and I wanted to wait until they were dry before I snapped their picture.

This sink was pretty cool.  It was made up of yellow stones.  It could be a pretty cool if the decor was done right.

This is the back of the truck.  One of us had to ride back there and I’m sure it wasn’t a comfortable ride.

This is the mountain of cloths that piled up in the back.

Did anyone else make it to the crawl?  Or get to any good yard sales this past weekend?

Have a great day!
