DIY Riddling Rack

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I first stumbled on a Riddling Rack last year.  You can read more about the original function here.




I couldn’t believe how much they cost.  Anywhere from $200-600! WOW. I forgot about it and moved on.  Then a few weeks ago I thought about them again and I realized I had the perfect place to put one.

I knew there had to be instructions somewhere on the internet and after a quick Google search I found some here.  Seemed easy enough. I cheated and used some left over fencing from the fence we built earlier this summer.

The whole project cost about $3. I had to go to get one piece of wood to use for the back.  The whole family got involved in this one, we each took turns distressing the wood and after it was all put together, I stained it with a mix of stains to give it an older look.  I could’ve cut the top part of the fence off for a clean edge but I liked the idea of letting it’s past life show through to remind us that even something we otherwise would’ve discarded could be given a new life.

I hope this has inspired you to look for the beauty and potential in everyday items.


Funky Junk Interiors

29 thoughts on “DIY Riddling Rack

  1. Sarah, this is brilliant. I’ve been eyeing a riddling rack for the longest time.
    I have a question, what sized holes did you drill inot the wood for the bottles?

  2. Who knew? Genius! Love this idea. It looks very professional and not “cheesy”. I hope I can feature it in the future over at Btw I saw you over at DIY Show off. Happy creating!

  3. What stains did you use to give it such a beautifully aged look? I’m looking for something similar for a table I am making. I’m so impressed by this I may have to make one too!

  4. this found me at the most perfect time – we are replacing a broken fence and have 100’s of pieces of this exact wood on a pile waiting to be burnt! So thankful to have found this.

  5. How has this worked out for you holding full bottles of wine? just wondering how it was holding up now? I am REALLY wanting to make this… but just curious on this part first. Please let me know..> I would appreciate it! Thank You!

    1. Lindsey- I’m sorry but I can’t remember off the top of my head. I know it’s sherwin williams and it’s in the gray family but at times can take on a soft blue tone. I absolutely love the color. I’ll try to go thru my paint stash and find the exact color.

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